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皮肤科医生不会告诉您的 5 个抗衰老秘密

Are those skincare products actually doing more harm than good? Is your skincare routine good for your skin? Having a certified dermatologist friend will certainly make buying makeup and skincare products a whole lot easier! (and save on buying products that are ineffective!) Unfortunately, most of us would not be so lucky to have a derm in our circle of friends! 

Here are 5 anti-ageing secrets that dermatologists normally do not let you in on!

Image by @rodlong via Unsplash

#1. 选择无糖 

你知道糖会导致发炎吗?食用糖会引起炎症,导致皮肤发黄、皱纹或斑点!人造糖是有害的,因为它会向身体提供过量的果糖。那水果和蔬菜中的糖呢?水果和蔬菜中的果糖是好的,因为它们只含有少量的果糖。如果您爱吃甜食,请选择苹果或桃子等新鲜水果来代替甜食!减少蛋糕、糖果、饮料、巧克力和所有那些甜糕点!您也可以考虑添加 中医皮肤补充剂 在您的饮食中,以帮助您的皮肤恢复活力。 

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#2. 加载你的抗氧化剂

他们是保护皮肤免受污染、有害阳光和压力的主要战士!食用富含抗氧化剂的食物,例如浆果、黑巧克力、羽衣甘蓝、豆类和枸杞!枸杞在中药 (TCM) 中已使用 2,000 多年,被认为是超级食品之一,因为它们不仅富含抗氧化剂,还含有大量对身体有益的维生素和矿物质。 


Image by moosephotos via Pexels

#3. 涂抹更多防晒霜 

Think your sunscreen is enough to protect you from those harmful rays? Truth is, most of us are probably not applying enough sunscreen. Opt for a sunscreen with a minimum of 30SPF, but the higher the better as it can give you protection for a longer period of time. That means you can put off reapplying sunscreen for a longer period of time! 

A dime-size amount of sunscreen is how much is needed to give your skin adequate coverage. Apply it in two layers instead of applying it in one go so it will not seem too much.

Applying sunscreen once in the morning will not actually give you enough protection you need to protect your skin against those harmful rays, so reapply in the afternoon if you can! Don’t forget the rest of your body as well!

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Image by Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush via Pexels



Image by cuncon via Pixabay

#5. 睡姿
