Source: SimplyHamper
新加坡有很多店家提供婴儿礼篮或婴儿礼品套装,还免费送货!如果您在新加坡找不到合适的婴儿礼篮,可以考虑自己制作哦!您可以送一些 增强能量的补品, 例如 冬虫夏草和美国花旗参胶囊。这些都可帮助这些新父母提高注意力,增强免疫系统并缓解他们的压力!如果母亲正在母乳喂养,请检查标签是否合适哦!
新加坡有很多店家提供婴儿礼篮或婴儿礼品套装,还免费送货!如果您在新加坡找不到合适的婴儿礼篮,可以考虑自己制作哦!您可以送一些 增强能量的补品, 例如 冬虫夏草和美国花旗参胶囊。这些都可帮助这些新父母提高注意力,增强免疫系统并缓解他们的压力!如果母亲正在母乳喂养,请检查标签是否合适哦!
Yes, apparently diaper cake is a thing! Jelly Cat has been ever so popular with kids, and now its paired up with diapercakes! Whoever thought of the idea to roll up diapers and make them into tiers so they resemble a cake is a genius. Most of them come with a plush toy and some other newborn essentials like booties, handkerchiefs etc. Diaper cakes will certainly wow the parents (and the rest of the guests) at the baby shower!
Document the baby’s milestones easily with these photocards! Whether it’s turning a week old or sitting up on their own for the first time, no matter how small the milestone is, the photo cards are able to help parents capture that special moment.
来自couturecrown的手工制作棉质字母枕头会显示你的用心! Thecouturecrown是婴儿床的绝佳装饰品。他们有多种面料可供选择,因此挑选给婴儿字母枕头的面料将是一个大难题!
Blankets are every newborn’s essential item. Make your gift a little more special by personalizing it! Lovinglysigned 提供上绣婴儿名字的服务。您可以选择线色并为名称添加最多12个字母。最后,它将被包装在精美礼品盒里!
Choose from the variety of baby gifts sets they have and personalize the gift with the baby’s name on the gift box! (The names are hand-painted!) Nothing goes to waste in this gift set as the turquoise gift box acts as a little treasure trove which parents can gift to their child when they grow up!