Long Office Hours? Stay Alert And In Shape With These 5 Tips
Image by @tfrants by Unsplash Working in the office meant sitting at the desk for a prolonged period. Do you experience pain in your shoulders and stiff neck? Or do you have poor blood circulation? These are just some common issues office workers face! Lengthened office working hours can put you at the risk of […]
Long Office Hours? Stay Alert And In Shape With These 5 Tips
Image by @tfrants by Unsplash
Working in the office meant sitting at the desk for a prolonged period. Do you experience pain in your shoulders and stiff neck? Or do you have poor blood circulation? These are just some common issues office workers face!
Lengthened office working hours can put you at the risk of musculoskeletal damage if you’re not conscious of the way you sit at your table. Stay healthy with these useful tips at your workplace!

Image by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels
#1. Sit in the right posture
Make sure you are sitting in a comfortable and upright position. Avoid slouching at your desk by checking the height of your chair. You should be able to rest your arms flat on the desk comfortably. Also, consider getting a cushion that can be placed on your office chair so you can rest and lean back comfortably while still getting that back support.
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Image by Marc Mueller via Pexels
#2. Computer breaks
Take a break from the computer screen every 30 minutes by looking at a faraway object. This can help to prevent dry eyes syndrome and other damages to the eye which are a result of long screen time. If you wear glasses, get an anti-glare filter for your monitor screen or a prescribed glasses with blue light filter.

Image by @kimdonkey via Unsplash
#3. Coffee breaks
Stand up to refill your water, get a cup of coffee or take a toilet break every hour or so. Did you know taking breaks can help increase your productivity level? It’ll help you to feel refreshed, especially if you’re feeling lethargic at work.
Besides, when we’re too focused on our work, we tend to exert pressure on our necks without realizing it. This can result in a stiff neck over time. Massage your neck to loosen the stiffness on your neck while you’re taking your break.
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Image by Marta Branco via Pexels
#4. Keep healthy snacks
Instead of reaching for that chocolate bar for energy, keep healthy snacks such as almonds, walnuts or even oatmeal bar. They will give you the energy you need minus the calories! Chewing can also help to keep you alert!

Image by @siniz via Unsplash
#5. Avoid air blowing directly on you
If the air-con is blowing directly onto you, direct the air so that it’s not blowing on you or lower the temperature. If you can’t control the temperature, keep a jacket in the office. This can help protect your shoulders and joints.
However, these tips alone are not enough; be watchful of what you eat for lunch and remember to exercise regularly to keep yourself in the pink of health! If you are feeling lethargic or find yourself always struggling to stay awake despite having 7-8 hours of sleep, try some tcm health supplements that might give you that boost of energy you need in your system, such as Men’s Boost+!

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