Image by Stephan Müller via Pexels
Drink More Water
Contrary to common misconceptions that you require the use of laxatives and diuretics to remove the “toxins” from your body, drinking water is actually one of the simplest yet effective ways to rejuvenate your body.
The uses of water for your body are far more than just quenching your thirst. Not only it is important for digestion and absorption of your food, water also regulate your body temperature and help to remove the waste products from your body.
Did you know that the feeling of thirst is actually your body signaling to you that you’re dehydrated? You should be drinking at least 2 litres of water daily – not reaching for a cup of water only when you’re thirsty.
In our body, there are many metabolic processes which will produce a lot of waste products. In layman terms, the waste products are like the “toxins” in the body. An accumulation of these “toxins” or waste products in the body will result in serious health conditions. To prevent that, adequate water intake is required to effectively remove the waste products via excretion (urine), sweating and respiration (breathing). So, in order to achieve detoxification for our bodies, remember to always stay hydrated!