5 Ways to Improve Your Memory

While it’s normal to be forgetful from time to time especially when life gets busy, having a poor memory can hinder not only your work in the office but also your personal life. However, if you are consistently forgetting about things, it can be very frustrating. 

Try improving your concentration with these tips from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

In the TCM perspective, mental activities are not just linked to the brain alone; other physical parts of the body such as the kidney and the spleen, in particular, both play a crucial role in concentration. 

The kidney creates and stores qi (energy) which is linked to one’s memory and willpower. In TCM, it is believed that harmonising both the Yin and the Yang is essential for the general wellness of the body. When you have poor memory, it is often because there is an excess of Yang while there is a deficiency of Yin in the kidney. This would disrupt the flow of qi (energy) in the body. Some signs and symptoms of people who are diagnosed with an excess of Yang and a deficiency of Yin in the kidney are usually implusive, clumsy, forgetful and unusually talkative. They might have dull hair and nails as well.

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Spleen, on the other hand, is responsible for all the activities of the mind (yi). Hence, having a weak spleen can result in poor memory as well as having difficulty in concentrating. To improve your concentration, try out these 5 TCM tips!


They are good for nourishing your kidney. Resembling a brain, eating walnuts help in developing the brain as well. In TCM principles, what resembles supplements each other. Hence you’ll also hear that black food, such as black sesame is good if you wish to have black hair.

Gingko leaves

Gingko leaves are believed to help sharpen one’s mind, expel dampness in the body as well as strengthening both the heart and the lungs. Some studies have also suggested that gingko leaves can help with dementia. You can find easily find gingko leaves supplements online or in stores in Singapore!

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Ginseng is known to help improve cognitive functions. It is effective in combating fatigue, giving you that alertness you need to concentrate as you carry out your daily routine.


To improve your memory and concentration, try these massaging these three areas – Third Eye, Gates of Consciousness and Heavenly Pillars. Third Eye is located between the eyebrows, while Gates of Consciousness are the hollows behind your neck found at the base of your skull. Massaging these areas gently for three to five minutes can promote blood circulation to your brain, making you feel more alert and improving your brain functions.

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It is a form of meditation which consists of physical movements, postures and breathing techniques. Practising qigong is good for promoting both the qi (energy) and blood to circulate your body. Morning is the best time of the day to practise it as it can help you to feel refresh and alert for the rest of the day.