Men’s Boost+
Boost your manhood with Men’s Boost+ well-balanced formula that includes traditional Chinese herbs extract to nourish your body and improve your performance.
Shop NowImage by Daniel Reche via Pexels 6 TIPS TO GET PREGNANT FAST NATURALLY For most couples, who wish to start a family after marriage, time is of essence for childbearing. A woman’s peak reproductive years are between late teens and late 20s. When a woman turns 30, fertility (the ability to get pregnant) starts to […]
For most couples, who wish to start a family after marriage, time is of essence for childbearing. A woman’s peak reproductive years are between late teens and late 20s. When a woman turns 30, fertility (the ability to get pregnant) starts to decline and this decline accelerates at mid-30s. By age 50, fertility decreases to a point where there are about 1,000 eggs and conceiving naturally is an almost-impossible task at this age.
Experts advise the best time to get pregnant is between late-20s and early-30s, as this age range is associated with best outcomes for the mother and child. However, there are both benefits and disadvantages whether its delaying of starting a family or having children at a younger age.
It is ultimately the choice of the couple to decide the time at which they are emotionally and financially ready to have children.
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While some women make it seem easy to get pregnant, there are many other couples who try for years but to no avail. When conceiving naturally fails, there are reproduction techniques such as In Vitro-Fertilisation (IVF) but that too has no guarantee.
While it is traditional thinking that the woman is the party at fault in the event of infertility issues, it is important to be reminded that both healthy egg and sperm are required for fertilisation to take place.
Other than consuming foods that can help with fertility, these are six tips to help increase your chances of conceiving a baby naturally!
Many often wonder how to get pregnant easily. A woman trying to conceive should be conscious of the length and intervals of her menstrual cycles to better predict when she might be ovulating – the time which her ovaries will release a mature egg every month. This egg is only fertile for 12 – 24 hours after its release.
A man’s sperm can survive in a woman’s body for up to five days. Hence, the most fertile days are the three days before ovulation and 24 hours after ovulation. Having intercourse during this ‘fertile window’ provides the best chances of getting pregnant.
By tracking the ‘fertile window’ every month, sexual intercourse can be timed to improve the chances of conceiving. For females with irregular menstrual cycles, there are ovulation test kits to identify your fertile days. In conclusion, have sex regularly as the highest pregnancy rates occur in couples who have sex every other day, especially during the fertile period.
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A female can start with eating a variety of healthy foods to help prepare her body for pregnancy. These foods, such as fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, dairy products and healthy sources of fat, provide ample nutrients such as iron, calcium and protein.
It is also recommended for women preparing for pregnancy to take folic acid dietary supplements which can help lower the risk of birth defects known as neural tube defects, including spina bifida. Folic acid supplements should be taken daily until 12 weeks of pregnancy.
It may also be time to cut down on caffeine intake if you are consuming more than 500 mg of caffeine daily (which is equivalent to more than 2 cups of coffee) as it has been linked with a decrease in fertility in women.
Research has also shown that overweight women can take twice as long to become pregnant as compared to women with normal BMI. Having too much body fat produces excess oestrogen which can disrupt with ovulation. On the other hand, underweight women may not be getting regular periods due to malnutrition and can stop ovulating.
Smoking can lead to fertility issues in both females and males. Harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke, such as nicotine and carbon monoxide, accelerate the loss in quality and quantity of a female’s eggs. Smoking may lower a man’s sperm count and affect sperm motility as well. Alcohol can also lower levels of testosterone found in men and cause erectile dysfunction.
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A common question newly weds has is how long does it take to conceive. Most couples are able to conceive within six months to a year by having regular sex without using birth control.
It is important to seek professional help from a fertility specialist if you are over 35 or you suspect fertility issues you or your partner might be facing. If there is a known health condition which interferes with fertility, treating the condition as soon as possible will increase the chances of conceiving greatly.
Having twins is more common now than it was in the past. The occurrence of twin pregnancies have increased significantly due to the use of fertility treatments and delayed age of women looking to conceive. Additionally, if a woman’s family has a history of twins, she has a higher chance of conceiving twins.
IVF also increases the chances of a twin pregnancy if more than one embryo is implanted and has developed successful during the process. Women who are older than 35 years old are also more likely to release more than one egg during ovulation and if fertilization occurs for both eggs, a twin pregnancy can occur.
However, while a twin pregnancy may seem rosy, it comes with pregnancy risks such as premature birth, low birth weight, stillbirth, gestational diabetes, caesarean delivery amongst others. So, let’s just leave it to fate as to whether you are lucky enough to have twins!
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While men certainly do not get pregnant, they are extremely important in the fertilization process. 50% of the infant genes come from the daddy. So, in order to ensure higher chance of smooth pregnancy and healthy babies, the husbands have a vital role to play.
Other than adopting healthy lifestyle habits, they can also consider supplementing their bodies with the necessary nutrients to boost quality sperm production. Compounds and elements like zinc, l-arginine, lycopene etc have shown to have strong positive influence on the men’s reproductive systems. You can also derive goodness from foods like oyster or traditional chinese remedies.
For those intending to start a family, you can consider AL Men’s Boost. AL Men’s Boost+ brings innovation to the forefront, by introducing a well-balanced blend of traditional Chinese herbs extract to the formula. The complex includes the valuable cordyceps, horny goat weed, du zhong (cortex eucommiae), wolfberry and dodder seed (semen cuscutae).
The ingredients are carefully chosen to ensure the proper tonifying of the kidneys, without causing excessive heat to the body. AL Men’s Boost+ also contains l-arginine, an immediate precursor for the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) which promotes blood circulation to the extremities and improves men’s performance. Levocarnitine has the dual functions of metabolism of long-chain fatty acids in our body and powering our mitochondria to generate energy for peak performance.
Try these tips to get pregnant fast naturally!
Boost your manhood with Men’s Boost+ well-balanced formula that includes traditional Chinese herbs extract to nourish your body and improve your performance.
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