5 Things You Need To Get Through The Haze Season
After a few years or enjoying being haze-free, haze is back again in Singapore in 2019. While it does not present any life-threatening condition, it can be harmful to those with respiratory problems or weak immune system. Here are 5 tips for you to protect yourself and your family during the haze the next time […]
5 Things You Need To Get Through The Haze Season
After a few years or enjoying being haze-free, haze is back again in Singapore in 2019. While it does not present any life-threatening condition, it can be harmful to those with respiratory problems or weak 免疫系统. Here are 5 tips for you to protect yourself and your family during the haze the next time it comes though we definitely hope that Singapore will be a haze-free country!
#1. N95 masks. Haze comes and go. Most of the time, we are unable to predict the severity of the haze. When the haze hits PSI levels of 401 back in 2013, people were scrambling to get their hands on the N95 masks as there was a sudden demand but supplies were low. People had to wait for companies to restock these masks while risks being out and about without a proper mask.
Though surgical face mask is another option that is cheaper and readily available, did you know that they are actually unable to filter out the fine particles and bacteria the haze carries? You will still breathe in these fine particles with a surgical face mask on. So the best practice is to stock up your N95 masks which you can keep for up to five years! Check the expiry date when you make your purchase!
#2. Air purifier. If you or your family members have any respiratory problems, get an air purifier with a HEPA label. A HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) air purifier is equipped with a HEPA filter that is capable of removing particles from the air as fine as 0.3 micron-particles. However, do note that a lot of air purifiers use HEPA label as a marketing tactic.
Look for an air purifier with a ‘True HEPA’ label instead of the ones with ‘HEPA-like’ and ‘HEPA-type’ if you want one that is effective to trap allergens such as dust, mold and more. Other than looking for a HEPA label, the size of your air purifier should also be suitable for your room. If you have a small air purifier in a large room, it won’t filter the air as effectively!
#3. NEA website. Check the air quality before you leave the house. You can access the National Agency Environment website or the television where they have an hourly as well as real-time report on the air quality. Bring your N95 mask along if it hits the air quality hits the dangerous level and limit your activities to indoor.
#4. Water. Breathing in fine particles can cause your throat to be very dry, causing irritation to your throat. Combat this by drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated. Water can also help in flushing out toxins in your body. Remember to drink at least 2 litres of water daily!
#5. Air-con servicing. Service your air-con regularly. When you are caught in a severe haze, air-cons help to keep the air quality in your house clean. Make sure that your air conditioner is working in tip-top condition by having them serviced regularly. It is recommended to have them serviced once every year if you do not use them frequently.