Image by @bradencollum via Unsplash

Physical touch and intimacy are crucial to any healthy relationships. Is your partner left unsatisfied most of the time by your performance in bed? Lack of stamina isn’t permanent; it can be improved with these five simple ways! It can be improved as simply as changing your diet or getting enough sleep – something that is easily overlooked most of the time. Here are five things you can do to transform yourself from a minute man to a marathon runner.

Image by @jon_chng via Unsplash


It is a good exercise suitable for all – it has no age limit as it is a low-impact form of exercise. It does not place any stress on your joints so it is good for people who are experiencing pain in their joints and it is good for maintaining a healthy heart and lungs. It is also a great way to shed some pounds if you’re overweight – studies have shown that losing just 10% of your body weight can improve your sexual performance. Swimming at least 30 minutes 3 times a week will increase your endurance in bed!

Image by Pexels


根据 Ava Cadell博士,作者 Neurolovelogy所说,南瓜子可以使男性生殖器的血液流动加快40%,并增加性欲。那是因为南瓜子富含锌,会影响睾丸激素的产生。食用南瓜不仅有益于提高卧床耐力,而且食用南瓜也有益于身体健康-有益于前列腺,还具有抗衰老特性!南瓜子中的锌和硒都可以产生胶原蛋白,对皮肤有益。

Image by @angelekamp via Unsplash


在选择中药补品以帮助您增加床上的耐力时,请寻找一些必需成分-锌和L-精氨酸。 研究表明, 每天食用锌补充剂一个月可以改善耐力。另一方面,L-精氨酸有助于增加流向心脏的血液。这可以改善您的卧床耐力,因为心血管健康对阴茎的血流至关重要。

Image by @laurynasm via Unsplash

4. 减压


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With oyster extract as the main ingredient, AL Men’s Boost+ also includes l-arginine, levocarnitine, lycopene, cordyceps and a combination of classical Chinese herbs. AL Men’s Boost+ seeks to give you that energy to complete that last lap of the day, be it dawn or dusk!

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