Image by @liangkevin via Unsplash Are you a new mom who’s going to deliver soon? Confinement is taken seriously as it is the period for new moms to rest and recover from childbirth in Singapore.(Dads also do not have it easy, so do remember to nourish your body with supplements such as Wu Ling Shen Sweet […]
Image by @liangkevin via Unsplash
您是即将分娩的新妈妈吗?在新加坡,准妈妈要认真坐月子,因为这是新妈妈休息和分娩的时期。(爸爸也不容易)记得吃多一点补品或 补充剂, 例如 乌灵参好睡眠 to take care of your wives!) Moms doing confinement should also take note of their confinement meals to nourish their bodies properly.
It is believed that if the confinement is not done properly, it could lead to repercussions in the future. Many believe the practices of confinement to be a myth, but here are some benefits of undergoing confinement even if they are not backed by scientific research.
- 减轻压力和产后抑郁。 The experience of childbirth is a painful one, and the mother will be drained both physically and mentally. That aside, she also has to look after her newborn. Some mothers might not be able to take this transition well, leading to an increased level of stress and depression. Confinement allows mothers to rest and readjust her life as she welcomes her newborn into her life.
- 加强身体。 There might be tons of food you’ll be tempted to eat which is unhealthy for your body. During the confinement, confinement food will be provided either via the confinement nanny or through confinement food catering in Singapore. For those without a nanny, they would usually follow confinement food recipes. Regardless, these confinement foods use herbs which are beneficial in helping the body to replenish what was lost during childbirth. This will help to strengthen your body and keep your body healthy. With a good diet, it will speed up your recovery as well. Other than a good diet, confinement also restricts the mother from carrying out a lot of tasks to enable her to have plenty of rest.
3. 提高母乳产量。. One of the major concerns most mothers have is – will the milk produced be enough? With a good rest and a good diet, not only will it help to increase milk production, the milk produced will be more nutritious for the baby too.
- 对于 chinese confinement practices, mums should avoid going out of the house during the confinement period to prevent outdoor pollution and wind from entering into her body.
- 避免使用风扇和空调。
- 请勿洗发,尤其是用冷水洗发。
- 躺在床上,尽量减少走动。不鼓励进行任何体育活动以防止身体变虚弱。
- 不能阅读或哭泣。
- 他们相信妈妈应该单独用餐,而不是与家人一起用餐。
- 禁止参观寺庙或祭坛,不烧香。
- 不能进行性交。
- 对于 indian confinement practices, mums should avoid going out of the house during the confinement period to prevent outdoor pollution and wind from entering into her body.
- 洗澡限制于每天的最高温度-在上午11点至下午2点之间。
- 与华人不同,印度人相信可以洗头,但只能在分娩的头两周中的奇数天洗头。洗完后,必须用熏香的烟熏吹干头发。
- 将一块布被用来绑住肚子,因为他们相信可以帮助妈妈保持身材。
- 严格禁止性行为。
- As for malay confinement practices, both moms and babies are to immediately bathe in a herbal bath for confinement.
- 他们都会雇用一名女按摩师来帮助母亲在生产后恢复身材。
- 他们也有保持身材的作法叫做Berbengkong,将用一块布紧紧绑住腹部。
- 严格禁止性行为。