Image by ivabalk via Pixabay You’ve seen most using goji berries in herbal soups and supplements – but what’s so special about them? Here are 5 benefits of eating goji berries that will have you wanting more after knowing their benefits! 1. Rich in antioxidants Rich in antioxidants, eating goji berries can protect your cells […]
Image by ivabalk via Pixabay
您应该曾经在大多数的中看过枸杞子 - 但它们有什么特别之处?为何那么多草药汤和补品都使用枸杞子?以下是吃枸杞的 5 个好处。了解它们的好处后,您肯定会想要加入枸杞子在你的饮食中!
1. 富含抗氧化剂
是的,我们都听过我们的母亲和祖母反复说吃枸杞对我们的 视力有益,但这到底有多真实?事实证明,这个事实确实有科学依据!富含抗氧化剂,尤其是玉米黄质,可帮助保护您的眼睛免受有害紫外线和自由基的伤害。
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2015 年的一项研究表明,枸杞子具有平衡血液中胰岛素和葡萄糖水平的特性。它也可能有助于降低血糖!如果您喜欢甜食,您可以用枸杞子来代替,因为枸杞干甜而低热量!一盎司枸杞只有 23 卡路里!
4. 改善肤色
您知道枸杞含有广泛用于护 皮肤 乳液和面霜的相同成分吗? β-胡萝卜素以其通过保护皮肤免受紫外线伤害、减少皮肤刺激和改善皮肤肤色来促进皮肤健康的能力而闻名。这也是枸杞呈鲜橙红色的原因!
5. 增加睾酮水平
Eating goji berries are believed to be able to increase one’s sexual fertility too! A study done on rats has proved that consuming goji berries has significantly increase testosterone levels, the sperm quantity and movement, as well as shortening erection and ejaculation response. Some even suggest that goji berries might be an alternative to Viagra for treating erectile dysfunction.
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Goji berries may be small, but they sure are packed with many nutritious ingredients that provide lots of health benefits for the body. They are often considered a superfood as they contain so much nutritional value. Add goji berries to your diet to boost your overall well-being! However, for those who have low blood sugar, you need to take note as eating goji berries may lower your blood sugar level further. If you have digestive or gastrointestinal issues, do consult a doctor too before adding goji berries to your diet.
将它们混合到您的麦片或酸奶中,就像您在膳食中添加葡萄干和水果一样。您也可以将其浸泡在一杯热水中,然后作为茶饮用,或将其与其他水果混合制成冰沙。您也可以在烹饪中使用它,把它们添加到鸡汤或任何其他汤中以增加甜味。最重要的是,请记住从信誉良好的来源购买它们,例如新加坡的传统中药 (TCM) 商店!