7 food myths you should stop believing if you still are

Are eggs really harmful for your health if you have high cholesterol? Does vitamin C help to chase your cold away? Some of these myths are false and might do more harm to your health! Continue reading the article below as we bust these food myths!

Image by Lisa Fotios via Pexels

#1. Microwaving food is bad for health

We or others around us might be a firm believer that eating microwave food frequently is bad for our health due to the radiation. But the radiation given off from microwaves which are used to cook food is in fact many times much weaker than those given off by X-rays! 

According to Robert Brackett, a director for the National Center for Food Safety and Technology, microwaving food is just another method of cooking – it’s no different from other cooking methods that use heat!


$65.00 $48.00

$76.60 $65.00

$59.20 $56.00

Image by @foodiesfeed via Unsplash

#2. Eating eggs will raise your cholesterol levels

An egg does contain a considerable amount of cholesterol in the egg yolk, but eating foods which are high in cholesterol does not necessarily raise your blood cholesterol levels.

Eating foods which are high in saturated fat will more likely increase your blood cholesterol levels instead!

Image by moritz320 via Pixabay

#3. Brown sugar is healthier than white sugar

Sugars are all basically the same – they will be broken down into glucose and used to fuel the body as energy. Therefore, brown sugar is not necessarily healthier than white sugar.

What you can do is to cut down on your sugar intake, such as limiting to one cup of bubble tea per week or drinking it as a treat every now and then.

Image by brookelark via Unsplash

#4. Frozen yoghurt is a healthier alternative to ice cream

Yoghurt indeed does contain lower fats compared to ice creams, but in terms of calories and sugar, they are actually not that far off from ice creams. A cup of icecream contains about 275 calories while the same amount of frozen yoghurt contains 221 calories.

Frozen yoghurt also contains lesser grams of fats and saturated fat. However, if you choose a low-fat ice cream, the calories and saturated fats are actually about the same as frozen yoghurt! For a healthier choice, choose a natural low-fat yoghurt instead!

Image by @deluxemodern via Unsplash

#5. Eating Vitamin C can help prevent colds

Studies with more than 11,000 participants have shown that eating Vitamin C supplements won’t be able to help prevent colds. What it does at best is that it may speed up your recovery.

If you have a cold, you can also consider drinking chicken broth other than Vitamin C, or taking Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) supplements to relieve your cold


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$76.60 $65.00


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$38.80 $35.00
Image by @tuesday2012 via Unsplash

#6. Avoid as much fats as possible

Foods containing fats are labelled as bad for our health, but did you know that fats also play an important role in our body? For example, fat is needed so the body is able to better absorb and transport fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K.

Look for foods which contain healthy fats (omega-3 and omega-6) such as salmon. As for cooking, opt for sunflower oil or olive oil which helps in lowering the amount of bad cholesterol.

Image by @jagodakondratiuk via Unsplash

#7. Soya milk has more calcium than milk

On the contrary, made from soya beans, soya milk is in fact lower in calcium compared to a cow’s milk. To protect and improve your bone health, it is still better to drink milk for calcium. However, if you prefer soya milk, look for those which has already been enriched with calcium.

Look for calcium phosphate or calcium carbonate on the food packaging. Supplements for bones are another good way to make sure you get the calcium you need daily!