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1. 草药和补品
黄芪、接骨木和紫锥菊等草药是一些众所周知可以帮助增强免疫系统并降低感冒或流感的严重程度的草药。如果您在感冒或流感症状开始出现时立即服用它们,它们可以避免您的感冒恶化。试试中药补剂,增强免疫力! tcm supplements a try to give your 免疫力!
Find yourself falling sick every now and then? That’s because your immune system is not strong enough to fight off the viruses, making you prone to falling sick frequently! Instead of treating the symptoms, boost and strengthen your immune system so that your body will be able to fight off viruses. Here are 7 simple […]
Find yourself falling sick every now and then? That’s because your immune system is not strong enough to fight off the viruses, making you prone to falling sick frequently!
Instead of treating the symptoms, boost and strengthen your immune system so that your body will be able to fight off viruses.
Here are 7 simple ways which you can boost your immunity naturally!
Exercising regularly does a lot of wonders for the body – improving cardiovascular health, controlling your body weight, improving blood circulation and also as a prevention against other diseases. It also helps to boost the immune system by recirculating a type of white blood cell called T cells which are crucial in helping the body to fight off infection.
However, do note that continuous rigorous exercise might cause more harm than damage. If the body does not have enough rest, rigorous exercise can weaken the immune system. In TCM’s perspective, exercising is good as it helps to regulate the 气 in the body, a vital energy flow.
When you’re under stress, the stress hormones, cortisol, is released in the body. Stress hormones have the ability to disrupt T-cells’ ability to reproduce and receive signals from the body. When they can’t reproduce or receive signals, they won’t be able to help fight off the infection in the body. Learn to manage your stress with TCM!
Do you make sure to wash your hands before every meal? Our hands come in contact with lots of bacteria and germs daily, so it’s important to wash your hands with warm water and soap for 15 to 20 seconds before eating or after coughing, sneezing etc.
Having you been pulling all-nighters regularly due to your work? Having enough sleep is essential for your body to rest and recharge, especially for the cells in your body which are vital for guarding your body against infection. Having enough rest also helps you to feel refreshed and alert, allowing you to work and function more efficiently in the day.