Image by padrinan via Pixabay

您是否通过均衡饮食过上积极的生活方式?即使您是,也很难每天摄入推荐剂量的营养素。服用 保健品 is an easy solution to obtain your daily recommended dose of various nutrients and minerals, especially if you need to nourish your body – for example, when you are recovering from an illness.

Another sign that you should start supplementing your diet with health supplements is if you always experience these 5 common signs of a weak immune system!

With so many various products on the market, it certainly isn’t an easy task to choose one health supplement that will cater to your needs. Follow these 5 tips below to help you better choose a health supplement! 

1.获得HSA(卫生科学局)的许可。目前,所有 中医 health supplements must obtain a permit from HSA before they can be sold in Singapore. To ensure that your health supplements went through stringent checks and have quality assurance, look for those with a license from HSA. Those with a license from HSA must be labelled in a certain way under HSA’s standard. The label should include the product’s trade/brand name, product name, batch number, expiry date, active ingredients and dosage.

2.做好您的研究。 您是否知道哪些元素可以使您精力充沛?预先进行研究可以消除那些所含成分不合适的产品,从而更轻松地选择产品。

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3.向专家咨询。. 担心骨质疏松症?今早开始寻找钙补充剂来保护您的骨骼和关节。但是,市场有大量保护骨骼和关节的保健补品。一个人如何分辨哪个更好?您可以在他们的网站上寻求建议,或者在商店里咨询销售人员。在购买前已完成您的研究,并获得专家的建议,它将帮助您筛选出更能满足您需求的产品。 

4.从可靠的来源购买。 从信誉良好的来源(例如既有的零售来源)或药店(例如Watsons,Guardian和Unity Pharmacy)买健康补品。请注意由科学研究授予的评语-这将比客户满意而给予的评论或奖励可靠。避免从未知的网站购买商品,尤其是在海外网站上!

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5.过度承诺。 如果标签可以在短时间内保证结​​果,请格外小心。补充剂不是药物,因此其作用不是立竿见影的,通常至少需要几个月或更长时间。这也取决于个人,因为每个人对营养素和矿物质的吸收率是不同的。
